Health and Social Policy (2023 and 2024, MSc lecture and seminar, University of Lucerne)
Health Inequality and Public Policy (2023, MSc lecture and seminar, University of Lucerne)
Topics in Health and Social Policy (2023, MSc seminar, University of Lucerne)
Health policy in Switzerland: An introduction (2023, 2-day PhD course, University of Lucerne)
Capitalism, Democracy and the Welfare State: An Introduction to Comparative Political Economy (2022, MA seminar, Aarhus University)
Political Institutions (2022, BA lecture/tutorials, Aarhus University, shared teaching)
The Politics of Inequality (2021, MA seminar, Aarhus University)
The Politics of Policymaking (2021, Seminar Leader, Master of Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, convened by Thomas Elston and Anna Petherick)
The Politics of Policymaking (2020, Seminar Leader, Master of Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, convened by Thomas Elston and Thomas Hale)
Comparative political economy (2017, BA proseminar, University of Bern)
European democracy in crisis? (2017, BA proseminar, University of Bern, with Philipp Lutz)
Income inequality in comparative perspective (2016, BA proseminar, University of Bern)
Introduction to political science (2012, tutorial to the BA lecture, University of Bern)
PhD Supervision
Tess Bardy (University of Lucerne), 2023, second supervisor (thesis: “Health Insurance Literacy and Value-Based Incentives in the Swiss Health Insurance System”)
Leo Ahrens (Freie Universität Berlin), 2022, second supervisor (thesis: “Inequality and the demand for redistribution. Six essays on the causes and consequences of policy preferences”)
Julia de Romémont (University of Oxford), 2022, external examiner (thesis: “Paying for Resentment: Positional Competition, Immigration and Support for Redistribution”)
Thesis Supervision
University of Lucerne, 2024, 2 BSc theses
Aarhus University, 2022, 1 MA thesis
University of Oxford, 2020/21, 1 MSc thesis
University of Oxford, 2019/20, 2 MSc theses
University of Bern, 2017, 1 BA thesis